Monday, 31 January 2011

Dark horse

If I could dream a dream of custard creams
I would dream of violet roses instead
If I could dream a dream of electric guitars
I know I would be musically acclaimed by far
and when raisins are sour and mattresses dour
then you know you’ve gone way too far

Pink crystal

But, why not, also winter cross-country
skiing through pink dawn snow
stopping breathing vapour
watching huffing deer venturing near lakes
magical crystals glittering on trees
friends nearby with warm wooden stoves.

Searching for haiku

Could that be why one writes poems,
Is it through lack of time?
Let me write a poem then
And express my need
My need to fly to open countries
My need to walk across deserts and sleep on warm rocks
See lizards sunbathing
And sunsets heating, and colourful rocks.